Creating an account offers streamlined transactions and enhanced security. We prioritize your privacy and do not store credit or debit card information. Additionally, opt-in for email and text alerts to stay updated on new products and exclusive promotions.
To update your personal details, click on the "Edit Details" button under "Manage Account" on our website. Please note that changes cannot be made once an order has been shipped.
Orders can be canceled before receiving your shipping confirmation email. If you wish to cancel, please reach out to our customer support team for assistance. Once an order is confirmed for shipping, it must be returned for a refund, which is typically processed within 7 business days.
If you discover an item missing from your order, please contact our customer support team through the provided contact form. Our dedicated experts will promptly investigate the issue and arrange for the missing item to be shipped to you.
If your package arrives damaged, please contact our customer support team within 48 hours. We will assist you in resolving the issue and arranging for a replacement if necessary.
Some items may have shipping restrictions due to size, weight, or destination regulations. Please check product details or contact us for more information.
Once an order is placed, the shipping method cannot be changed. Please review your selection carefully during checkout.
Yes, we provide regular updates and notifications via email, including order confirmation and delivery status updates. Please ensure your email address is accurate and up-to-date in your account settings.
Shipping fees and applicable taxes are clearly presented to you at checkout, ensuring transparency before finalizing your purchase. This upfront display allows you to review all costs associated with your order, making informed decisions effortlessly.
We offer a variety of payment methods, including credit/debit cards, UPI, online banking, and other secure online payment gateways, ensuring a smooth and convenient checkout process.
Yes, we prioritize your security and use algorithms to protect your payment information. Our commitment extends to continuous monitoring and updates to ensure the highest standards of data protection.
If your payment fails, please check your payment details and try again. Contact our customer support team if issues persist for further assistance.